How to write a resume experience section


resume experience section

Your resume experience section is your chance to shine, showcasing your skills, accomplishments, and qualifications to potential employers. In this blog, we’ll walk you through the process of creating an effective experience section, complete with real-life examples to help you stand out in the competitive job market. Let’s dive in!

1.Organize Your Information:

Before you start writing, gather all the relevant information for each job you want to include in your experience section:
- Job Title: Your official title in the role.

- Company Name: The name of the company or organization.

- Dates of Employment: Specify the start and end dates.

- Job Description: A brief summary of your job responsibilities.

- Achievements and Contributions: Specific accomplishments and contributions during your tenure.

2. Format Your Experience Section:

Your resume should have a clean and professional format. Use a consistent font and bullet points for readability. Here’s a sample format:

[Job Title] - [Company Name] - [Dates of Employment]

[Job Description]

- [Achievement 1]

- [Achievement 2]

- [Achievement 3]

3. Writing Your Job Description:

In your job description, provide a concise overview of your role and responsibilities. Start with action verbs and be specific.


Marketing Manager - XYZ Company - July 2019 to Present

As a Marketing Manager at XYZ Company, I oversee the development and execution of marketing strategies.

4. Highlight Achievements and Contributions:

This is where you really shine. Use specific examples to highlight your accomplishments and how you added value to your previous employers. Use quantifiable data whenever possible.


- Increased quarterly sales by 20% by implementing a new marketing strategy.
- Led a cross-functional team of 10 members to launch a product, resulting in a 30% increase in market share within six months.
- Streamlined the customer service process, reducing response times by 50% and increasing customer satisfaction scores by 25 points.

5. Tailor Your Experience for the Job:

Customize your experience section for each job application. Highlight the experiences and achievements that are most relevant to the specific position you’re applying for. This shows that you’ve taken the time to understand the job requirements.

6. Keep it Concise:

While you want to showcase your achievements, keep your descriptions concise and relevant. Aim for bullet points that are clear, impactful, and not overly detailed.

Examples of Well-Written Experience Sections

Example 1:

Graphic Designer - ABC Creative Agency - March 2020 to Present
- Designed eye-catching marketing materials, resulting in a 40% increase in engagement on social media.
- Collaborated with the marketing team to create visuals for successful ad campaigns, generating over $1 million in revenue.
- Streamlined the design workflow, reducing project turnaround times by 20%.
Example 2:

Project Manager - Tech Solutions Inc. - May 2018 to February 2021
- Managed a portfolio of 15 projects simultaneously, meeting deadlines and budgets for all.
- Implemented Agile methodologies, improving project efficiency and reducing errors by 15%.
- Led a team of 8 project coordinators, providing guidance and mentoring, resulting in two team members' promotions.

Your experience section is the heart of your resume. It’s your opportunity to demonstrate your value to potential employers. By following these steps and including specific, quantifiable achievements, you’ll create a compelling experience section that sets you apart from the competition and increases your chances of landing your dream job.

Frequently Asked Questions

How far back should my experience section go?

Typically, include the last 10-15 years of relevant experience. Earlier roles can be summarized or omitted.

Should I include non-professional experience, like volunteer work?

Yes, if it’s relevant to the job or showcases transferable skills.

What if I have gaps in my work history?

Be honest but concise. Explain gaps due to personal reasons or professional development.

Can I include freelance or contract work?

Absolutely! Freelance work demonstrates your versatility and ability to manage different projects.

Should I list responsibilities from all my previous jobs?

Focus on the most relevant roles and responsibilities for the job you’re applying for. Tailor your resume accordingly.

Is it acceptable to use the first-person pronoun ("I") in my experience section?

No, resumes are typically written in the third person and omit pronouns.

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