How to Write a Summary of Resume


How to write a resume summary
Are you on the hunt for your dream job? Your resume’s summary section can make a world of difference in capturing the attention of potential employers. Think of it as your elevator pitch—a concise, impactful introduction that entices recruiters to read further. Let’s delve into the art of writing a standout resume summary, complete with examples to guide you along the way.

1. Keep it Concise:

Your resume summary is like a trailer for a movie—you want to highlight the most exciting parts without revealing every detail. Aim for 2-3 sentences that succinctly showcase your skills, experience, and career goals.


"Dedicated marketing professional with 5 years of experience in digital campaigns
and branding. Proven track record of boosting online engagement and driving revenue.
Seeking to leverage my expertise to create impactful strategies at XYZ Company."

2. Tailor to the Job:

Each job application deserves a unique resume summary. Analyze the job description and identify the key skills and qualifications they’re seeking. Then, align your summary with those requirements.


"Certified project manager with a background in IT and a passion for optimizing
workflows. Successfully led cross-functional teams to deliver projects on time and
within budget. Eager to apply my skills to streamline operations at ABC Tech."

3. Highlight Achievements:

Employers are interested in what you’ve achieved, not just your job responsibilities. Showcase quantifiable accomplishments that demonstrate your impact in previous roles.


"Results-driven sales associate with a history of exceeding targets by an average of 20%.
Instrumental in expanding client base and increasing revenue. Ready to drive growth and
deliver exceptional customer value at DEF Enterprises."

4. Embrace Keywords:

Many companies use applicant tracking systems (ATS) to screen resumes. Incorporate relevant keywords from the job description to increase your chances of passing through this digital gatekeeper.


"Detail-oriented accountant with expertise in financial analysis, budgeting, and risk assessment.
Managed accounts for Fortune 500 companies and ensured compliance with regulatory standards.
Seeking to contribute my skills to the finance team at GHI Corporation."

5. Inject Personality:

While professionalism is crucial, don’t be afraid to infuse a touch of your personality into the summary. This helps create a more memorable and relatable impression.


"Passionate UX designer with a knack for crafting intuitive interfaces that users love.
Transformed complex ideas into user-friendly designs for startups and established
brands alike. Excited to bring creativity and user-centered design to the team at JKL Studios."

6. Showcase Transferable Skills:

If you’re changing industries or roles, highlight transferable skills that are relevant to the new position. This helps bridge the gap between your past experience and the requirements of the job.


"Communications specialist with a background in journalism and a talent
for storytelling. Proficient in research, crafting compelling narratives, and
adapting content for diverse audiences. Seeking to leverage my communication
skills to excel in the corporate communications role at MNO Inc."

7. Mention Industry Knowledge:

If you have expertise in a specific industry, make sure to include it in your summary. Industry knowledge can set you apart as a candidate who understands the nuances and challenges of the field.


"Experienced healthcare administrator with a deep understanding of medical
billing, compliance, and patient care coordination. Managed administrative processes
that enhanced patient experiences while ensuring efficient operations. Ready to
contribute my healthcare expertise to PQR Medical Center."

8. Focus on Soft Skills:

In addition to technical skills, emphasize your soft skills—qualities like teamwork, leadership, problem-solving, and adaptability. These attributes are highly valued by employers across various industries.

"Innovative engineer known for collaborating effectively in cross-functional
teams to solve complex technical challenges. Proven ability to lead projects,
communicate technical concepts, and adapt to evolving technologies. Excited
to drive innovation and teamwork at STU Engineering."

9. State Your Career Goals:

Give employers a glimpse of your aspirations. This helps them understand how the role you’re applying for aligns with your long-term goals, indicating your commitment and enthusiasm.


"Recent graduate with a degree in environmental science and a strong passion
for sustainable practices. Eager to contribute my knowledge and passion to an
organization that shares my commitment to environmental conservation, such as
VWX Sustainability Solutions."

10. Proofread and Edit:

Your resume summary is often the first thing employers read, so it must be error-free and polished. Typos and grammatical errors can leave a negative impression. After writing your summary, proofread it carefully or ask someone else to review it.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Resume Summary?

A resume summary is a brief statement, usually located at the top of your resume, that summarizes your professional background, skills, and career goals. It’s like your elevator pitch to grab the recruiter’s attention right away.

How Long Should a Resume Summary Be?

A resume summary should ideally be around 2-3 sentences. It’s meant to be a quick overview, not a detailed autobiography. Keep it concise and impactful.

What Information Should I Include?

Highlight your most relevant skills, experiences, and achievements that align with the job you’re applying for. Mention your years of experience, notable accomplishments, and any unique qualifications that set you apart.

Should I Tailor My Summary for Each Application?

Absolutely! Customize your summary for each job application by emphasizing the skills and experiences that match the specific job description. This shows that you’ve done your research and are genuinely interested in the role.

Can I Mention Soft Skills?

Definitely. Soft skills like communication, teamwork, and problem-solving can make a big impact. Back them up with brief examples of situations where you’ve demonstrated these skills.

Should I Include Personal Information?

Your resume summary is mainly about your professional self, so personal information like hobbies and interests should be kept to a minimum. Focus on what makes you a great fit for the job.

Can I Mention Career Goals?

Yes, but do it strategically. Instead of saying “I want to grow in a dynamic company,” try something like “Eager to contribute my expertise in marketing to drive innovative campaigns.”

Can I Skip the Summary and Just Use an Objective?

Objectives have fallen out of favor in recent years. Recruiters are more interested in what you can bring to the table rather than what you want. Opt for a compelling summary instead.

Can I Get Creative?

Creativity is good, but balance it with professionalism. Infuse creativity in the way you present your experiences and skills, but make sure it remains easy to understand.

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